Sleeping Problems?

Chiropractic is well known for management of neck pain, back pain and pain in arms and legs, but what

about enhancing sleep quality? Sleepless nights followed by sleepy, non-productive days seem to be a

problem for many of us! Sleep deprivation can interefere with work, driving, social activities, overall

quality of life and even cause some serious health problems.

Think of sleep as recharging a battery, only this battery is your brain! The optimum amount of sleep

needed changes with age. School age children do best when they get nine to eleven hours and adults

need between seven and eight hours.

As chiropractors, spinal manipulation, exercise training, dietary supplements, relaxation therapy, and

massage therapy are all viable options to help in the effort to fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and

improve the overall quality of sleep.

Here are some tips to help you achieve a more restful night! 1) Establish a regular sleep schedule. 2)

Relax before bedtime. Reading is great relaxation! 3) Get regular exercise. 4) Avoid alcohol, caffeine

and nicotine. These are better methods than sleep medications as they can often leave you feeling too

sleepy the next day to optimally function. If you feel like you need to take something, ask us about

some herbal supplements that can be helpful, such as lavender, lemon balm, or a variety of others. And

you might also consider use of nasal dilator strips which have been helpful to some in their effort to


Visit with us about a wide variety of options to help you get the sleep you require. It’s a vital component

of your overall health!

Good News for Headache and Neck Pain Sufferers!

First of all, you’re not alone!  Neck pain and stiffness are very common complaints and these problems can come and go chronically for years, even decades.  Don’t let that discourage you.  It doesn’t have to go on for great lengths of time.   Here at Fergus Falls Spine & Injury center, we can provide immediate neck pain relief with a very simple approach!

Numerous studies point to exercises and chiropractic care as two of the best approaches for gaining control over this common, potentially long lasting and sometimes disabling condition.  However, focusing only on the neck may NOT be the best approach; but rather, the management of weak pelvic/low back stabilizing muscles can have significant benefits for those suffering from neck pain.

A group of physical therapists in Brazil and Australia performed a systematic literature review of the benefits of specific stabilization exercises for spinal and pelvic pain and looked at disability, return to work, number of episodes, global perceived benefit and quality of life factors. They also looked at the benefits for headache with or without neck pain and any related disability.  Not only did they find significant research support for improving pelvic pain and for preventing recurrence after an acute episode of low back pain, but they also found that cervicogenic headache and neck pain improved from the use of low back/pelvic stabilization exercises!

The bottom line is pretty simple; stabilizing the low back and pelvis offers the neck and head a better foundation on which to rest.  An analogy would be a house with a weak foundation resulting in the whole house being in jeopardy, especially the attic or the area farthest away from the ground.

If any of this sounds familiar, you’re probably pretty anxious to get quick back and neck pain relief!  That’s what we do best!  We get you in quickly as walk ins are always welcome, and take plenty of time visiting with you to find out how we can best offer you relief from your pain!  See us for a complimentary consultation.  We’d love to meet you and to help you get back to feeling your very best

We Keep Athletes at the Top of Their Game!

Did you know that Fergus Falls Spine & Injury Center treats many area athletes?  Sports injuries don’t have to put an athlete on the bench!  Dr. McDonald works with a wide array sports injuries on many of our area high school and collegiate athletes!

Dr. McDonald also takes it one step further and keeps in close contact with an athlete’s coaching staff!  Of course, the athlete and his or her parent or guardian give permission to allow Dr. McDonald to share information with the coach so that he or she can best work with that athlete as they continue to progress and heal.

With updates from Dr. McDonald and his expertise in the treatment of sports injuries, the coaching staff knows if and when that athlete can practice or get back to the game, meet or match!   Immediate pain relief and safety for each athlete is the primary concern for Dr. McDonald.

Many athletes find that regular chiropractic care can keep them performing at their best, too!  Give us a call and schedule an appointment!  We’d love to visit with your and your athlete on the best course of care!

Is Chiropractic Care for You?

Here’s What Our Patients Say!

Maybe you’ve never been to the Chiropractor and you wonder if Chiropractic Care would work for you.  We like to say that Chiropractic Care is a great place to start.  When you come and see Fergus Falls Spine & Injury Center, Dr. McDonald will take time to visit with you.  You have plenty of time to discuss your health and have your questions answered!

“I was so pleased when I visited Dr. McDonald.  He didn’t rush me in and out of his office.  Instead, he took plenty of time to visit with me about my neck pain and how he could offer pain relief!  He told me what the course of treatment would likely be and about how long he thought it might take.  He gave me plenty of time to ask a lot of questions and I felt totally comfortable.”

We hear similar stories from many of our patients.  Dr. McDonald will always take time to really know how you’re feeling and to answer any questions you may have.  We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised as to how effective Chiropractic care can be to relieve your pain!

“I didn’t have an appointment, but I just walked in and Dr. McDonald made room in his schedule to see me!”  That’s right, we even offer walk in appointments!  We try our best to do whatever it takes to provide you with the very best care and the fastest route to feeling good again!